Effective Date: May 12, 2023

These Payment Policies contain important information about participating in a RENO experiences (as defined in the RENO experiences in Terms and Conditions), and/or using the website, or any other services (collectively the “Services”), offered by RENO, Inc. (collectively with its subsidiaries, affiliates, managers, members, successors, employees, agents, representatives, and assigns referred to herein as “RENO”). Under the RENO Terms and Conditions, which constitute a binding contract between you (“you, “your” or “participant”) and RENO, you are also agreeing to these policies.

1. Program Fees


The non-refundable and non-transferable down payment. To reserve your space on a “RENO experience” a down payment is required upon commitment to a specific itinerary and/or program. (For the purposes of these Payment Policies, payment for programs that require full payment upfront shall constitute a “down payment”.) The down payment cannot be transferred to another person and it cannot be transferred for use towards a different type of “RENO experience”. Barring the exceptions described in section 1.2 below, the down payment is non-refundable, and barring the exceptions described in section 1.3 below the down payment cannot be transferred for use towards a different itinerary and/or program. The following are the “RENO experience” currently offering:

Experiences: one month programs for traveling while you work remotely

Journeys: three or twelve month programs for traveling while you work remotely

Business Programs for Companies: custom made programs for businesses


Extreme Situations. In certain extreme situations, RENO may waive its strict refund and transfer policies. Waiver of such policies is at RENO’s sole discretion. While not an exhaustive list, extreme situations would not automatically include company denial, visa / passport issues, change in personal circumstance, illness or injury in relation to a pre-existing condition, or illness from COVID-19.


Changes & Transferring down payment to be used towards a different itinerary or program All agreed transfers to new programs, no matter the date of the original booking, must depart within 1-year of your original program start date. Transfer fees may apply, see below..


You may request one change from experience to journey to a different program free of charge by notifying us via email to with at least 61 days in advance of the start date of your initially chosen program, irrespective of program type or duration.


Any subsequent changes requested 61 days or more from the experience start date will incur a charge of $250 per change, along with any difference in down payment amount for the new experience (if applicable).


For changes 60 days or less from the experience start date, no changes are permitted.

1.4 Change Fees will be:

Either deducted from the payment balance with RENO, if a new program is known at the time of change request, along with any difference in down payment values

Or charged and payable at the time of change, if a new program is not known at the time of change request.

1.5 Travel refunds

During the Experience, no flight or other travel costs incurred by participants will be reimbursed by RENO. Arriving late or leaving an Experience in progress, for any reason whatsoever, will not result in a refund, and no refunds will be made for any unused portions of an Experience. RENO does not facilitate travel changes outside of the Transition Options that may be offered, as outlined in RENO’s Program Policies. Neither RENO, nor its designated Travel Team members or affiliates, shall be liable for any cancellation penalty charged by an air carrier or other transportation provider, including but not limited to, any air carrier's cancellation penalty related to the purchase of a non-refundable ticket to or from the city a participant is in prior to joining the Experience or the city a participant is going to after leaving the Experience.

1.6 Refundable Cancellations

For bookings made more than 30 days before the Experience start date, you may only cancel your space on a RENO Experience within 24 hours after your reservation and we’ll refund your payment in the payment method of your reservation.

1.7 Refunds are provided only for the reasons listed in these Terms.

We will not provide refunds based on a threat of negative reviews or social media posts. We reserve all rights in law and equity to respond to and/or take action against reviews or social media posts that are false, misleading, libelous, harassing, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or are inappropriate with respect to race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or other intrinsic characteristic, or contain confidential information.

2. Invoices, Late Payment & Payment methods

2.1 Invoices

Payments for certain Experience will be auto-charged via third party payment processors. For experiences payment will be according to RENO Terms and Conditions. Invoices, down payment invoices, travel invoices, as well as invoices for other additional services provided or facilitated by RENO may be sent and due upon commitment to said service. RENO utilizes third party billing platforms, including but not limited to Stripe, to send and track monthly invoices and to facilitate payments.

2.2 Add on charges

Incidentals and add-on charges (i.e. damages, visitors, events, other optional city specific offerings, etc.) will be invoiced as incurred or added to the next invoice or billed separately. Add on charges for events will be billed based on commitment to attend. If a participant commits to attending one of these additional events, the participant will be billed the associated event charge regardless of attendance.

2.3 Late Payment

If monthly due payments are not made in full by the twentieth (20th) of the month for the current month’s invoice, unless otherwise agreed in writing by a RENO staff, then access to RENO experience, including travel, accommodation, co-work space and RENO digital platforms may be immediately removed and the participant canceled from the program, with no refund.

2.4 Payment Methods

RENO accepts varying methods of payment depending on the specific product offering. Please refer to the product specific payment methods in the relevant section(s) below.

2.5 RENO Credit, Discounts, Promotions and Incentives


RENO, at its sole discretion, may offer credit, discounts and/or promotions for certain products or offerings. Any credit, discounts or promotions offered are non-transferable and their advertised timelines are strict. RENO reserves the right to deny the usage of discount codes that are not used as instructed. (E.g. If a single participant uses a discount code for couples, RENO will not honor that discount code.)


Discounts on products are only valid for the initial agreed term. E.g. Discounted membership would be valid for 12 months, and continuation of membership would be at the full prevailing rate.


Combined discounts or incentives may not be applied to the same booking, unless at RENO’s sole discretion.


Programs discounted with a RENO promotion can be purchased with RENO credit, if the credit was acquired from RENO deferring a product.


Credit acquired from a customer canceling their booking cannot be used for towards discounted programs.


RENO reserves the right to withdraw any participant incentive offers (e.g. Refer a Friend) without notice at any time, for any period of time.

2.5.7 Credit Expiry

RENO credit is valid for the term stipulated at issuance, or until the date of expiry on the credit or gift card voucher. If an expiration term is not given at the time of issuance then it is valid indefinitely, provided the participant has an active membership at the time the credit-allocated service is rendered.

2.5.8 Credit Redemption

Credit issued in relation to Experience Fees can be redeemed for any new booking of any RENO Services (including Experiences Fees and Journeys). RENO credits cannot be applied against programs or services already booked, even if the service has not yet been realized, and/or for programs or services under promotion or discount.


Credit Refunds and Transfers. RENO Credit cannot be refunded for any reason, at any time. RENO Credit cannot be used by, or transferred to, another person.

3. Experiences and Journeys (1, 3 and 12 months experiences)

3.1 Experience Cost

The cost to participate in RENO’s One-Month, Three-Month and Twelve-Month Work will be listed on the relevant Experience page on RENO’s website. The cost of any Experience. Note that prices are subject to change at any time, but that RENO will, except the honor the prices advertised as of the date of a participant’s non-transferable and non-refundable down payment.

3.2 Payment Structure

The costs associated with RENO’s One-Month, Three-Month and Twelve-Month Work shall be split into the following two categories of payments: (i) a non-refundable and non-transferrable down payment, as more fully described in sections 3.4 through 3.6 hereof and (ii) the remaining monthly fees, as more fully described in section 3.7 hereof. Each participant is advised to consult RENO’s website for the specific down payment and monthly fees associated with a particular Experiences.

3.3 Payment methods

For One-Month, Three-Month, and Twelve-Month Experience, RENO accepts payment from participants in accordance with the following:

- Wire Transfer

- Debit card and Credit Card

3.4 Down Payment


The non-refundable and non-transferable down payment(s) due for each program are as follows: (i) Twelve (12) Month Experience, $1,000 due at commitment, $2,000 due by the 60th day prior to the program’s start date, and $2,000 due by the 30th day prior to the program’s start date, for a total due of $5,000; (ii) Three (3) Months Experience, $1,000 is due at commitment and $2000 due by the 60th day prior to the program’s start date, for a total due of $3,000; and (iii) One (1) Month Experience will be due at commitment as a down payment and the relevant full balance of the 1 Month Program due 60 days before start date.

3.5 Down payment payment plans

If you need an alternative payment plan, please email us at as payment plans may be flexible, but full payments are always required by the due date unless otherwise approved.

3.6 - 1 Month Experience

3.6.1 Experience Payment

Total program cost due 60 days before program start date.

3.6.2 Room Share Discount

Couples have the option to share a room and receive a 25% reduction on the final program payment. The down payment is not discounted. If two participants wish to begin sharing a room they must either notify their RENO in writing by including the information in their onboarding survey, or email at least 45 days prior to arrival to the city in which they wish to begin sharing a room.

3.6.3 Not Included in Cost

Flights and transportation to initial destination and from final destination, airport transportation on the day of departure at the program end. Passport, visa, and permit expenses; travel insurance; medical expenses and immunizations; additional expenses incurred due to COVID-19; personal expenses such as food and beverage (alcoholic or otherwise), laundry, telephone calls, additional activities and events, and any other items not specifically noted as included.

3.7 - 3 Months and 12 Months Experiences

3.7.1 Monthly Fees

For Journeys, (such as 3 and 12 Month Experiences) a monthly experience fee is due in advance of each service month. Invoices will be issued on the tenth (10th) of the preceding month, and due by the twentieth (20th) of the preceding month. If payment is not received by the due date, the participant will not be permitted to continue traveling with the Journey. Participants are advised to consult RENO´s website for the specific monthly fees associated with a particular Experience. Monthly fees are not prorated. Each participant is responsible for the full monthly fee upon date of invoice. Please note that the monthly fees advertised on RENO’s website do not constitute a guarantee, estimate, or representation of actual costs in any particular city in which a Experience is hosted.

3.7.2 Included in the Cost.

Accommodations; Transportation from cities included in the experiences ;transportation from local airport on program start day between 9am - 9pm (local time) and transportation to local airport on departure day. co-working;SIM-CARD;Nomad-box; some activities and events.

3.7.3 Not Included in the Cost

Flights to first arrival destination and flights departing from final program destination, airport transportation outside. Passport, visa, and permit expenses; travel insurance; medical expenses and immunizations; additional expenses incurred due to COVID-19; personal expenses such as food and beverage (alcoholic or otherwise), laundry, telephone calls, additional activities and events, and any other items not specifically noted as included.

3.7.4 Room Share Discount

Couples have the option to share a room and receive a 25% reduction in the monthly fee. The down payment is not discounted if a room is shared. If two participants wish to begin sharing a room as a couple they must notify their Community Leader in writing at least 60 days prior to transitioning to the city in which they wish to begin sharing a room.

3.7.5 Opting out

For 12 Months Experiences only, in a situation where a participant is going to miss an entire city, the bill for that month will be reduced to $1,000 if notice is provided by the participant to RENOS at least 90 days prior to transition to that city. With less than 90 days’ notice, no reduction in fee will be granted. Notice must be received in writing by a Community Leader. This can only be used once per experience. Travel will be included to and from the respective month of opt-out, unless the participant requests a credit for each specific flight.

There is no couples’ discount for months opted out as accommodation cost savings are not realized when one or both members of a couple are opted out.

During their month away from the Experience, the participant will not have access to RENOS accommodations, workspace, private events in any RENOS cities, nor SIM card services. The participant will retain access to travel between cities, community.

3.7.6 Notice of early departure

The down payment is non-refundable and non-transferable in all instances. Should a participant decide to leave the Experience early, the participant acknowledges that in so doing, they will forfeit the full down payment.

Advanced planning is required for RENO to be able to provide all participants with a great experience in terms of transition logistics, accommodation allocation, and execution of events. Should a participant decide to leave the Experience early, they must notify their Community Leader by the 10th day of the month in which they intend to leave the Experience. If notice of departure is not provided by the 10th day of the month in which the participant intends to leave, the participant will be invoiced and liable for the following month’s fees regardless of attendance.

As stated above, monthly fees are not prorated. Each participant is responsible for the full fee due upon the date of invoice. The participant will not be required to make additional payments for the remaining months left in the Experience, however, all unpaid bills or incidentals incurred prior to the early departure will still be dueas well as a $1,000 cancellation fee.

In leaving a Experience early, the Participant forfeits access to anything RENO related for the remainder of the Experience.

Participants of Twelve Month Experience may have the option to rejoin their Experience at a later date subject to RENO’s discretion. In order to do so, the participant must provide notice and an additional $2,000 down payment at least 60 days prior to the planned rejoin date. Regular monthly fees will resume the first month back with the Experience (due on the 1st) through month 11. The participant will be responsible for costs of travel to the city in which they rejoin the Experience.

4. Cancelation of an experience

4.1 RENO Cancellations; Prior to Departure.

RENO reserves the right to cancel any Experience that has not yet departed because of inadequate enrollment or any other reason that makes the Experience economically infeasible to operate or because of good-faith concerns with respect to the safety, health, or welfare of the participants. If a Experience is canceled prior to departure, RENO will provide participants with a full refund of monies paid to RENO; except in the event that the cancellation is due to a significant event that makes it infeasible to operate the Experience as planned, in which case RENO will provide a refund of all monies paid in excess of the stated down payment amount for that program, and, at RENO’s option, provide participants with a refund and/or credit toward a future RENO equivalent to any remaining monies paid to RENO. Any credit will be valid for twelve months from date of issue. Except as outlined above when RENO cancels a Experience prior to departure, RENO has no responsibility for any expenses, including any non-refundable expenses, incurred by participants in preparing for a canceled Experience or for any additional arrangements should participants embark prior to the scheduled group departure date.

4.2 Cancellations;In Progress.

RENO also reserves the right to cancel any Experience in progress because of good-faith concerns with respect to the safety, health, or welfare of the participants. If RENO cancels an Experience in progress, participants will receive a prorated refund of their down payment and a prorated refund of fees paid for the month of cancellation and any prepaid months. All other monthly fees paid prior to the month of cancellation will not be refunded. Except as outlined above when RENO cancels an Experience in progress, RENO has no responsibility for any expenses, including any non-refundable expenses incurred by participants in preparing for a canceled Experience or for any additional arrangements should participants embark prior to the scheduled group departure date.

4.3 Experience Delays

RENO also reserves the right to delay the commencement of an Experience for reasons including, but not limited, to travel and/or quarantine restrictions, health and safety concerns, the closure of hotels, restaurants and other businesses due to lockdown restrictions and other similar events. In such an event, RENO shall contact Experience participants regarding the alternative launch dates.

4.4 Experience Interruptions.

Under certain circumstances, RENO may need to interrupt a current Experience due to travel and/or quarantine restrictions, health and safety concerns, the closure of hotels, restaurants and other businesses due to lockdown restrictions and other similar events. In such event, while RENO will use reasonable efforts to mitigate the impact of such an interruption, you will be responsible for all additional costs associated with the interruption, including, without limitation, any additional travel, accommodation and food and beverage costs although you may be able to seek reimbursement for some of these costs from any travel insurance policies you may have obtained.

5. Changes in fees


RENO will endeavor to keep your fees consistent for the duration of an Experience, however, market factors may require RENO to change the cost of its products from time to time. As such, RENO reserves the right to increase the monthly fees for its Three Month Experience, and Twelve Month Experience at any time. Customers shall be provided with at least sixty (60) days notice of any such increase, and potential increases shall not exceed 5% of the stated price upon initial down payment.